Call Number (LC) Title Results
1863-21-148 [Promotion of Cadwallader C. Washburne to Major General, and Colonels Abner C. Harding and Thomas B. Van Buren to Brigadier General] 1
1863-21-149 [Promotion of Ordnance Sergeant James A. Hearne to Lieutenant] 1
1863-21-150 [Authorization to pay Captain Isaac R. Diller <DL>1,000 for producing and testing a new kind of gunpowder] 1
1863-21-151 [Order setting bond for Receiver of General Land Office, Golden City CO] 1
1863-21-152 [Appointment of Capt. Crotzer to be Quartermaster or Commissary] 1
1863-21-153 [Appointment of Silas Noble to be an Additional Paymaster] 1
1863-21-154 [Reappointment of General Edward Ferrero as Brigadier General] 1
1863-21-155 [Authorization to station Reverend Van Contrond at a convalescent camp, if the camp was announced in General Orders as a chaplain post] 1
1863-21-156 [Promotion of Lieutenant Edward P. Williams to Commissary of Subsistence with rank of Captain] 1
1863-21-157 [Removal of disability on Colonel Silas D. Baldwin, to enable the Governor of Illinois to reappoint him] 1
1863-21-158 [Promotion of Colonel Edward Brush to Brigadier General] 1
1863-21-159 [Removal of disability on Captain John N. Reidenbach, dismissed for misconduct, if the Governor of New York chooses to reappoint him] 1
1863-21-160 [Promotion of Colonel Henry E. Davies, Jr. to Brigadier General] 1
1863-21-161 [Order to repair road near Mt. Pleasant Hospital in D.C.] 1
1863-21-162 [Appointment of Eugene P. Murphy to be a Cadet at West Point] 1
1863-21-163 [Permission to cross Union lines Frederick Douglass] 1
1863-21-164 [Reappointment of Richard O. Warinner to be Paymaster] 1
1863-21-165 [Discharge of J. B. Alexander, prisoner of war, contingent upon taking an oath of allegiance] 1
1863-21-166 [Appointment of Major William R. Tracy to be Commissary of Subsistence with rank of Captain] 1
1863-21-167 [Appointment of David T. Dickson to be Paymaster] 1