Call Number (LC) Title Results
1871-05-21 [Directive to accept population re-enumeration of New York City and Philadelphia] 1
1871-05-23 [Directive to enforcement of Fourteenth Amendment] 1
1871-05-24 [Order to change spelling of Addison Lowe to Addison Low] 1
1871-05-25 [Authorization of railway line construction by Union Pacific Railroad Co.] 1
1871-05-28 [Revocation of suspension of Charles Keeting] 1
1871-05-29 [Directive to establish Supervisory District comprising Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee] 1
1871-12-1 Order consolidating the 1st and 3rd Districts and 2nd and 4th, Pennsylvania 1
1871-12-2 [Relative to nomination of A. H. Laflin to be Naval Officer and William A. Darling to be Appraiser of Merchandise, both at New York City] 1
1871-12-3 [Treasury Department employees leave to vote in D.C.] 1
1871-12-4 [Copy of Proclamation of Treaty Between US and Great Britain relative to "Claims, Fisheries, Navigation of the St. Lawrence etc., American Lumber on the River St. John, Boundary." Concluded May 8, 1871; ratifications exchanged June 17, 1871] 1
1871-12-5 [Virginia Consolidating First and Second Collection Districts and designating as Second Collection District] 1
1871-12-6 [Granting leave of absence to Treasury Department employees who are members of the Knights Templar to attend the Grand Encampment at Baltimore, Maryland] 1
1871-12-7 [Copy of proclamation of treaty between the U.S. and Italy, relative to "Commerce and Navigation". Signed Feb. 26, 1871; ratified Apr. 29, 1871; ratifications exchanged Nov. 18, 1871] 1
1871-12-8 [Consolidation of certain New York collection districts] 1
1871-12-9 [Consolidation of certain Ohio collection districts] 1
1871-12-10 [Consolidation of certain Pennsylvania collection districts] 1
1871-12-11 [Consolidation of certain New York collection districts] 1
1871-12-12 [Consolidation of certain Pennsylvania collection districts] 1
1871-12-13 [Postponement of consolidation of certain Pennsylvania collection districts] 1
1871-12-14 [Postponement of consolidation of certain Ohio collection districts] 1