Call Number (LC) Title Results
1882-44-68 [Pardon of Alfred T. Chester for postal embezzlement] 1
1882-44-69 [Pardon of Smith Whittier for sending unlawful matter by mail] 1
1882-44-70 [Pardon of Enoch Baker for circulating counterfeit money] 1
1882-44-71 [Pardon of John T. Paddock for postal embezzlement] 1
1882-44-72 [Pardon of Sullivan T. Bickford for embezzling letters as postmaster] 1
1882-44-73 [Pardon of J. D. Cole for violation of internal revenue laws] 1
1882-44-74 [Pardon of John Schafer for failure to cancel revenue stamp on sold whiskey barrel] 1
1882-44-75 [Pardon of Jacob Kline for illicit distilling] 1
1882-44-76 [Pardon of Benjamin Turner for grand larceny] 1
1882-44-77 [Pardon of Austin Loldell for stealing letters] 1
1882-44-78 [Pardon of Jane Moseley for fraud against pension laws] 1
1882-44-79 [Pardon of Thomas Washington for perjury] 1
1882-44-80 [Pardon of Patrick Kane for obstructing U.S. mineral land surveyor] 1
1882-44-81 [Pardon of Thomas Shane for aiding a soldier to desert] 1
1882-44-82 [Pardon of William R. Roberts for circulating counterfeit money] 1
1882-44-83 [Pardon of Charles Preston for grand larceny] 1
1882-44-84 [Pardon of John B. Moore for violation of internal revenue laws concerning liquor] 1
1882-44-85 [Pardon of Robert Logan for mail coach robbery without jeopardizing life of carrier] 1
1882-44-86 [Pardon of Solomon Stough for violation of pension laws as examining surgeon] 1
1882-44-87 [Pardon of John McCracken, alias John Douglass, for possession of counterfeit dollars with intent to circulate] 1