Call Number (LC) Title Results
1884-44-7 [Pardon of Norman M. Geer for depositing prohibited circulars in mail] 1
1884-44-8 [Pardon of John Moffitt for embezzling from mail as postal employee] 1
1884-44-9 [Pardon of Richard Ames for counterfeiting coins] 1
1884-44-10 [Pardon of James J. Kite for failure to pay liquor retailer tax and surety bond] 1
1884-44-11 [Pardon of Sam Paul, a Chickasaw Indian, for manslaughter] 1
1884-44-12 [Pardon of D. P. Haseltine for attempted sale of publicly-owned mule, and for desertion] 1
1884-44-13 [Pardon of Henry W. Lawrence for polygamy and unlawful cohabitation] 1
1884-44-14 [Pardon of Elmer E. Wilmarth for violation of postal laws] 1
1884-44-15 [Pardon of George D. Rice for embezzling registered letters as postal employee] 1
1884-44-16 [Pardon of James White for larceny] 1
1884-44-17 [Pardon of Henry Eiffert, a Cherokee Indian, for larceny] 1
1884-44-18 [Pardon of Augustus Johnson for polygamy and unlawful cohabitation] 1
1884-44-19 [Pardon of Kate Lawson for circulation and possession of counterfeit coin] 1
1884-44-20 [Pardon of Charles Michalson for conspiring and acting as accessory to rob mail] 1
1884-44-21 [Pardon of A. B. Barnes for failure to pay liquor retailer tax, and for introducing and selling liquor to Indians] 1
1884-44-22 [Pardon of George K. Osborne, alias John Murphy, for circulation of counterfeit coin] 1
1884-44-23 [Pardon of Charles Duvander for perjury] 1
1884-44-24 [Pardon of Robert Dent, Abraham M. Smith, and Pleasant White for highway robbery] 1
1884-44-25 [Pardon of Dorothea Poulson for polygamy and unlawful cohabitation] 1
1884-44-26 [Pardon of Jennie Towles for petit larceny] 1