Call Number (LC) Title Results
1891-54-4 [Redesignation of Camp Sheridan, Wyoming, as Fort Yellowstone Military Reservation] 1
1891-54-5 [President directs changes in assignments and commands] 1
1891-54-6 [Interpretation of General Order No. 21, Feb. 27, 1891 and Army Regulations] 1
1891-54-7 [Mitigation of court martial sentence of William M. Williams] 1
1891-54-8 [Commutation of court martial sentence for drunkenness Capt. William Davis, Jr.] 1
1891-54-9 [Commutation of court martial sentence for drunkenness Lt. George H. Evans] 1
1891-54-10 [Confirmation of courts martial proceedings] 1
1891-54-11 [Mitigation of court martial sentence of Col. Charles E. Compton] 1
1891-54-12 [Confirmation of court martial sentence of Cadet Thomas Pelham Curtis] 1
1891-54-13 [Mitigation of court martial sentence for disorderly conduct Lt. James A. Swift] 1
1891-54-14 [Revocation of departmental order of Jan. 26, 1891, transferring land in Houston TX to the Secretary of the Interior for disposition] 1
1891-EO-28-1 [Mourning formalities for William Windom, late Secretary of the Treasury, ordered] 1
1891-PR-302 [Reciprocal modifications of Brazilian tariff laws] 1
1891-PR-303 [Withdrawal of Yellowstone Park lands for forest reserve, Wyoming] 1
1891-PR-304 [Warning all persons against entering the waters of Bering Sea within the dominion of the United States for the purpose of violating the provisions of Section 1956, Revised Statutes] 1
1891-PR-305 [Proclamation of Indian acceptance of diminution of Fort Berthold Indian Reservation to fulfill treaty stipulation] 1
1891-PR-306 [Agreement with Great Britain prohibiting fur seal killing in the Bering Sea] 1
1891-PR-307 [Declaring the conditions for foreign copyright protection fulfilled as to Belgium, France, Great Britain and the British possessions, and Switzerland] 1
1891-PR-308 [Declaring certain modifications in the tariff law of Cuba and Puerto Rico which secure due reciprocity, pursuant to Section 3 of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to reduce the revenue and equalize duties on imports, and for other purposes," approved Oct. 1, 1890] 1
1891-PR-309 [Declaring certain modifications in the tariff law of the Dominican Republic, which decline due to reciprocity, pursuant to Sec. 3 of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to reduce the revenue and equalize duties on imports, and for other purposes," approved Oct. 1, 1890] 1