Call Number (LC) Title Results
1906-54-51 [Regulations regarding the admission and attendance of militia signal officers at the Signal School] 1
1906-55-1 [Determination of the rank of civil engineers of the Navy] 1
1906-55-2 Rules for naval convoy of military expeditions 1
1906-55-3 [Award and pay of prizes for excellence in gunnery exercise and target practice to enlisted men of the Marine Corps] 1
1906-55-4 [President confirms court martial sentence of Midshipman Robert Allen Jackson] 1
1906-55-5 [President confirms court martial sentence of Lt. Edward H. Dunn] 1
1906-55-6 [President confirms court martial sentence of Bernard H. Connell] 1
1906-55-7 [President confirms court martial sentence of Warrant Machinist Adam A. Shafer] 1
1906-55-8 [President confirms court martial sentence of Pharmacist Stephen St. John] 1
1906-EO-389-A [Stockton Land District, California, abolished, and lands and business transferred to Sacramento Land District] 1
1906-EO-389-B [Designation of membership of Jamestown Tercentennial Commission] 1
1906-EO-390 [Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions excepted from examination, Subdivision II, on Department of Treasury positions, Clause 4 amended to except stitch-counters in the New York Customs District] 1
1906-EO-391 [Ralph Whitman, temporary employee, made eligible for permanent appointment as engineer draftsman in the Office of the Isthmian Canal Commission] 1
1906-EO-392 [E. M. LeBoiteaux made eligible for employment in the Census Bureau to experiment in developing tabulating machinery, subject to noncompetitive examination] 1
1906-EO-393 [E.O. 370 of Nov. 15, 1905, pertaining to appointments to positions in the Isthmian Canal Service, revoked] 1
1906-EO-394 [Civil Service Rules, Schedule A, pertaining to positions excepted from examination, Subdivision VIII, on Isthmian Canal Service positions, amended] 1
1906-EO-394-A [Certain described lands in Minnesota reserved for the War Department in connection with the operation and maintenance of a reservoir system at the headwaters of the Mississippi River] 1
1906-EO-395 [Dr. Walter R. Brickenhoff made eligible for appointment as chief or director of hospital station and laboratory for leprosy investigation in Hawaii, subject to noncompetitive examination] 1
1906-EO-395-T [Dr. Walter R. Brickenhoff made eligible for appointment as chief or director of hospital station and laboratory for leprosy investigation in Hawaii, subject to noncompetitive examination] 1
1906-EO-396 [Jeannette L. Cavanagh made eligible for reinstatement as classified laborer in the Department of Agriculture] 1