Call Number (LC) Title Results
1914-08-12 [Approval for privately owned docking and repair facilities in Canal Zone] 1
1914-08-13 [Approval of transfer of Lt. H. B. Clagett] 1
1914-08-14 [Authorization for destruction of unusable White House property] 1
1914-08-15 [Appointment of W. W. Spalding to serve on Plaza Commission] 1
1914-08-16 [Appointment of A. C. Wells to serve on Plaza Commission] 1
1914-08-17 [Requesting resignation of Henry L. Johnson as Recorder of Deeds] 1
1914-08-18 [Deployment of additional troops on Mexican border] 1
1914-08-19 [Exception to arms export prohibition for shipment by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. and Roy and Titcomb, Inc.] 1
1914-08-20 [Exception to arms export prohibition for shipment by Batopilas Mining Co.] 1
1914-08-21 [Exception to arms export prohibition for shipment by various parties] 1
1914-08-22 [Exception to arms export prohibition for shipment by Roy and Titcomb, Inc.] 1
1914-08-23 [Board of Visitors to Government Hospital for Insane] 1
1914-08-24 [Appointment of Joseph C. Blackburn to be a member of the Lincoln Memorial Commission] 1
1914-08-25 [Exception to arms export prohibition for shipment by Roy and Titcomb, Inc., and New York and Cuba Mail Steamship Co.] 1
1914-08-26 [Appointment of Hennen Jennings to be a member of the Annual Assay Commission for the Philadelphia Mint] 1
1914-08-27 [Lifesaving medal of honor award to A. C. Werner] 1
1914-08-28 [Pardon of Milton A. Carlisle] 1
1914-08-29 [Appointment of Florence M. Marshall to be a member of the commission on Federal aid to vocational education] 1
1914-08-30 [Appointment of C. H. Winslow to be a member of the commission on Federal aid to vocational education] 1
1914-08-31 [Appointment of John A. Lapp to be a member of the commission on Federal aid to vocational education] 1