Call Number (LC) Title Results
1919-EO-3173 [Fuel Administrator delegated certain powers relative to rules, regulations, etc., fixing prices or regulating production, sale, shipment, storage, or distribution of coal or coke] 1
1919-EO-3174 [Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 682, pertaining to currency certificates, amended] 1
1919-EO-3175 [R. Stone Jackson made eligible for appointment as clerk in the Federal Board for Vocational Education without regard to Civil Service Rules] 1
1919-EO-3176 [Possession and title of all enemy vessels seized and operated during the war ordered taken in accordance with the joint resolution of May 12, 1917] 1
1919-EO-3177 [Civil Service Rules, Schedule B, pertaining to positions subject to noncompetitive examination, amended to add Subdivision VI, Paragraph 1 covering 15 persons in the Interdepartmental Social Hygiene Board for confidential work] 1
1919-EO-3178 [Special homestead of George W. Nutter within the ceded portion of the Crow Indian Reservation, Montana, validated, subject to coal lands restrictions] 1
1919-EO-3179 Transferring to the service and jurisdiction of the Navy Department certain land buildings and improvements of the U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation 1
1919-EO-3180 Re-vesting in designated officers certain powers under the Trading with the Enemy Act 1
1919-EO-3181 [Certain specified counties in the 6th Internal Revenue Collection District of Virginia and in the Internal Revenue Collection District of Maryland transferred to the 2nd District of Virginia, and certain counties in the 2nd District transferred to the 6th District] 1
1919-EO-3182 Amending Section 3 of the E.O. of Feb. 2, 1914, providing conditions of employment for the permanent force for the Panama Canal 1
1919-EO-3183 Executive order rejecting the bid of Richter & Co. for certain shares of the capital stock of the First Reinsurance Company of Hartford, a Connecticut corporation, offered for sale at public auction on Sept. 17th, 1919, pursuant to the "Trading with the Enemy Act" and amendments thereof 1
1919-EO-3184 [Civil Service Rule IX, pertaining to reinstatement, Paragraph 1, Clauses (b), (c), and (d), amended] 1
1919-EO-3185 [Katherine Peters made eligible for appointment to a classified position without regard to Civil Service Rules] 1
1919-EO-3186 Corona Administrative Site (near Lincoln National Forest), New Mexico 1
1919-EO-3187 Oregon 1
1919-EO-3188 [Certain described lands in Oregon withdrawn pending legislation for their inclusion within Ochoco National Forest] 1
1919-EO-3189 Modifying an Executive order withdrawing certain public lands within the St. Francis River basin in the State of Arkansas 1
1919-EO-3190 [Sawyer Administrative Site, Dixie National Forest, Utah, abolished] 1
1919-EO-3191 [Indian Administrative Site, Fillmore National Forest, Utah, abolished and the said lands opened to entry only under the homestead laws requiring residence from Nov. 19, 1919, and to settlement and other disposition under any applicable land law from Nov. 26, 1919] 1
1919-EO-3192 [Certain described lands in Oregon, formerly reserved for the improvement of the Columbia River by E.O. of Nov. 4, 1885, restored to public domain and opened to entry only under the homestead laws requiring residence, from the 63rd day from the date of this Order, and to settlement or other disposition under any applicable public land law from the 70th day from the date of this Order] 1