Call Number (LC) Title Results
1944-21-1 President appoints a committee to investigate the question of discrimination in railroad employment 1
1944-21-2 President requests the Bureau of the Budget to make a study of war agency liquidation and administrative reorganization for peace 1
1944-21-3 President requests the Department of Agriculture and the Veterans Administration to study methods to aid veterans who wish to engage in farming 1
1944-21-4 Letter from the President ordering heads of executive departments and independent agencies to refrain from public statements indicating an early end of the war 1
1944-29-1 Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Jan. 15, 1944. 1
1944-29-2 Iran Reciprocal trade, Apr. 8, 1943. 1
1944-29-3 Iran Reciprocal trade, Apr. 8, 1943. 1
1944-29-4 Palestine Parcel post, Sept. 6, 1944, May 10, 1943. 1
1944-44-0001 [Pardon of John E. Pinchot] 1
1944-44-0002 [Pardon of Odell A. Cummings] 1
1944-44-0003 [Pardon of George J. Wynings] 1
1944-44-0004 [Pardon of F. H. Armstrong] 1
1944-44-0005 [Pardon of Asa Bare Jones] 1
1944-44-0006 [Pardon of William Krown] 1
1944-44-0007 [Pardon of Edward D. Holmes] 1
1944-44-0008 [Pardon of George Simon Beaulieu] 1
1944-44-0009 [Pardon of Louis Rakich] 1
1944-44-0010 [Pardon of Peter Lucenti] 1
1944-44-0011 [Pardon of Cruz Gonzales] 1
1944-44-0012 [Pardon of Joseph Korchak] 1