Call Number (LC) Title Results
1946-EO-9716 Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Railway Express Agency, Inc., and certain of its employees 1
1946-EO-9717 Directing the emergency board created by E.O. 9716 of Apr. 24, 1946, to investigate a dispute between the Railway Express Agency, Inc., and certain of its employees, also to investigate disputes between the agency and certain other of its employees 1
1946-EO-9718 Termination of the Petroleum Administration for War 1
1946-EO-9719 Creating an emergency board to investigate disputes between the Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc., and other carriers, and certain of their employees 1
1946-EO-9720 Discontinuing the Sitka and Subic Bay Naval Airspace Reservations and the Subic Bay, Manila Bay, Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor, San Diego, San Francisco, Columbia River Entrance, and Strait of Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound Defensive Sea Areas 1
1946-EO-9721 Providing for the transfer of personnel to public international organizations in which the U.S. Government participates 1
1946-EO-9722 Reassignment of the functions of the service of supply command and Commanding General, Services of Supply 1
1946-EO-9723 Termination of the President's War Relief Control Board 1
1946-EO-9724 Amendment of E.O. No. 9672 establishing the National Wage Stabilization Board 1
1946-EO-9725 Designating the Alien Property Custodian to administer the powers and authority conferred upon the President by Sections 20 and 32 of the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended 1
1946-EO-9726 Transfer of fiscal functions relating to lend-lease matters from the Department of State to the Treasury Department 1
1946-EO-9727 Possession, control, and operation of certain railroads 1
1946-EO-9728 Authorizing the Secretary of Interior to take possession of and operate certain coal mines 1
1946-EO-9729 Further defining the functions and duties of the Office of Defense Transportation 1
1946-EO-9730 Amendment of E.O. No. 9630 of Sept. 27, 1945, redistributing foreign economic functions and functions with respect to surplus property in foreign areas 1
1946-EO-9731 Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company and certain of its employees 1
1946-EO-9732 Relating to the administration of the Act of Feb. 22, 1935, as amended 1
1946-EO-9733 Authorizing certification for probational appointment of certain classes of persons 1
1946-EO-9734 President's Certificate of Merit [establishment] 1
1946-EO-9735 Establishing a Cabinet Committee on Palestine and related problems 1