Call Number (LC) Title Results
1955-EO-10614 Regulations covering the payment of general-average contributions in connection with the transportation of certain baggage and household goods and effects of military and civilian personnel of the U.S. 1
1955-EO-10615 Creating an emrgency board to investigate a dispute between certain carriers represented by the Eastern, Western, and Southeastern Carriers Conference Committees and certain of their employees 1
1955-EO-10616 Suspension of certain provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as amended, which relate to officers of the Marine Corps of the grade of Brigadier General 1
1955-EO-10617 Suspension of the operation of certain provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947 applicable to the retirement of colonels of the Regular Army 1
1955-EO-10618 Amendment of E.O. No. 10152, prescribing regulations relating to the right of members of the uniformed services to incentive pay for the performance of hazardous duty required by competent orders 1
1955-EO-10619 Inspection of individual income tax returns by the Dept of Health, Education, and Welfare 1
1955-EO-10620 Inspection of income, excess-profits, declared-value excess-profits, capital-stock, estate, and gift tax returns by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary 1
1955-EO-10621 Delegation of certain functions of the President to the Secretary of Defense 1
1955-EO-10622 Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Railway Express Agency, Inc., and certain of its employees 1
1955-EO-10623 Amendment of certain provisions of E.O. No. 10000 and No. 10011, as amended, pertaining to salary differentials and allowances for officers and employees of the Foreign Service serving outside the U.S. 1
1955-EO-10624 Regulations relating to personnel of the Department of Agriculture assigned to service abroad 1
1955-EO-10625 Further providing for the administration of foreign aid functions 1
1955-EO-10626 Establishment of the Interdepartmental Committee for Voluntary Payroll Savings Plan for the Purchase of U.S. Savings Bonds 1
1955-EO-10627 Inspection of income, excess-profits, declared-value excess-profits, capital-stock, estate, and gift tax returns by the Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives 1
1955-EO-10628 Restoring limitations upon punishments for violations of Articles 82, 85, 86(3), 87, 90, 91 (1) and (2), 113, and 115 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice 1
1955-EO-10629 Authorizing enlistments in the ready reserve of the Army Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve 1
1955-EO-10630 Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the New York Central System, Lines East, and certain of its employees 1
1955-EO-10631 Code of Conduct for Members of the Armed Forces of the U.S. 1
1955-EO-10632 Suspension of certain provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as amended, which relate to the promotion of officers of the Medical Corps and Dental Corps of the Navy 1
1955-EO-10633 Establishing an airspace reservation over the Las Vegas Project, Las Vegas, Nevada 1