Call Number (LC) Title Results
1967-53-152 Situation in Cyprus. Announcement of designation of Cyrus R. Vance to consult with representatives of the governments of Turkey and Greece 1
1967-53-153 Office of Science and Technology. Announcement of appointment of S. David Freeman as Director of the Energy Policy Staff 1
1967-53-154 Board of Foreign Scholarships. Announcement of appointment and reappointment of Members 1
1967-53-155 Completion of AID program in Iran 1
1967-53-156 [Department of Defense officials appointments to board of governors of American National Red Cross] 1
1967-53-157 Golden Spike Centennial Celebration Commission. Announcement of Presidential appointees 1
1967-53-158 Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Southern Europe. Announcement of assignment of Adm. Horacio Rivero, Jr., replacing Adm. Charles D. Griffin, and of intention to nominate Vice Adm. Bernard A. Clarey as Vice Chief of Naval Operations 1
1967-53-159 [Edward M. Schulman appointment as General Counsel of Department of Agriculture] 1
1967-53-160 Model community projects 1
1967-53-161 National Medal of Science. Announcement of recipients for 1967 1
1967-54-1 [President awards medals to named individuals] 1
1967-54-2 [President awards medals to named individuals] 1
1967-54-3 [President awards Distinguished Service Medal to Gen. Creighton W. Abrams] 1
1967-54-4 [Award of Medal of Honor to 1st Lt. Walter J. Marm, Jr.] 1
1967-54-5 [Award of Medal of Honor to 2nd Lt. Robert J. Hibbs] 1
1967-54-6 [President awards medals to named individuals] 1
1967-54-7 [President awards medals to named individuals] 1
1967-54-8 [President awards medals to named individuals] 1
1967-54-9 [President awards medals to named individuals] 1
1967-54-10 [President awards Presidential Unit Citation to various battle units] 1