Call Number (LC) Title Results
1968-EO-11439 Revoking E.O. No. 11372, designating the Lake Ontario Claims Tribunal as a public international organization entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities 1
1968-EO-11440 Providing for the supplemental use of exhibits and displays created in furtherance of authorized programs of executive departments and agencies 1
1968-EO-11441 Amending E.O. No. 11248, placing certain positions in level IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule 1
1968-EO-11442 Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Long Island Railroad and certain of its employees 1
1968 J57 no.1 notes An organ recital of Baroque, Romantic and twentieth-century music / 1
1968 J57 no.2 notes A recital of organ music including representative literature from the Baroque, Romantic, and twentieth-century periods / 1
1968 L38 notes Voice problems / 1
1968 M49 notes Piano recital / 1
1968 M492 notes Two recitals of ensemble music / 1
1968 M493 notes The keyboard music of Albertus Bryne in the Bodeleian library manuscript, music school D 219 : a study of French style dance forms in the seventeenth century / 1
1968-PR-3823 Modifying Proc. 3279 adjusting imports of petroleum and petroleum products 1
1968-PR-3824 American Heart Month, 1968 1
1968-PR-3825 Red Cross Month, 1968 1
1968-PR-3826 National Poison Prevention Week, 1968 1
1968-PR-3827 LULAC Week 1
1968-PR-3828 Law Day, U.S.A., 1968 1
1968-PR-3829 American History Month, 1968 1
1968-PR-3830 National Farm Safety Week, 1968 1
1968-PR-3831 Save Your Vision Week, 1968 1
1968-PR-3832 National Safe Boating Week, 1968 1