Call Number (LC) Title Results
1972-PR-4105 National Safe Boating Week, 1972 1
1972-PR-4106 Law Day, U.S.A., 1972 1
1972-PR-4107 National Action for Foster Children Week [1972] 1
1972-PR-4108 Save Your Vision Week, 1972 1
1972-PR-4109 National Poison Prevention Week, 1972 1
1972-PR-4110 Red Cross Month, Mar. 1972 1
1972-PR-4111 National Beta Club Week [1972] 1
1972-PR-4112 National Day of Prayer [1972] 1
1972-PR-4113 National Farm Safety Week, 1972 1
1972-PR-4114 Quantitative limitation on the importation of certain meats into the U.S. 1
1972-PR-4115 National Week of Concern for Americans Who Are Prisoners of War or Missing in Action [1972] 1
1972-PR-4116 International Book Year, 1972 1
1972-PR-4117 National Wildlife Week [1972] 1
1972-PR-4118 Loyalty Day, 1972 1
1972-PR-4119 Earth Week, 1972 1
1972-PR-4120 Cancer Control Month, 1972 1
1972-PR-4121 National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1972 1
1972-PR-4122 Pan American Day and Pan American Week [1972] 1
1972-PR-4123 National Maritime Day, 1972 1
1972-PR-4124 National Check-Your-Vehicle-Emissions-Month, Apr. 1972 1