Call Number (LC) Title Results
1972 J63 notes The two-key clarinet and its use in three concertos by Antonio Vivaldi / 1
1972 L68 notes A discussion of the Brahms F minor sonata for viola and piano and related performance problems / 1
1972 L681 notes A discussion of viola techniques in relation to the recital program / 1
1972 M352 notes The use of transactional analysis in piano teaching / 1
1972 O44 notes Some observations of rhythm in the piano sonatas of Franz Joseph Haydn / 1
1972 O441 notes A comparison of two clarinet sonatas : Sonata for clarinet and piano, op. 13 by S. Friedrich Heine ; and Sonate for clarinet and piano by Paul Hindemith / 1
1972 O442 notes Concerto in f minor, opus 5 for clarinet and orchestra by Bernhard Henrik Crusell / 1
1972 O444 notes An analysis of Dialogues for clarinet and piano by Robert Starer / 1
1972 P37 notes The vocal colors / 1
1972 P38 no.1 notes A brief history of the organ in England / 1
1972 P38 no.2 notes The Tablatura nova of Samuel Scheidt / 1
1972 P38 no.3 notes The organ concerti of Handel / 1
1972 P381 notes A report on readings in musical and vocal acoustics / 1
1972 P382 notes A study of two Debussy song cycles : Proses lyriques and Trois chansons de France / 1
1972 P65 Analytical remarks related to the performance of three compositions for trumpet and organ / 1
1972-PR-4100 National Parks Centennial Year [1972] 1
1972-PR-4101 Supplementing proclamations providing for registration under the Military Selective Service Act, as amended 1
1972-PR-4102 Adjustment of duties on certain sheet glass 1
1972-PR-4103 Spokane International Exposition of 1974 1
1972-PR-4104 American Heart Month, 1972 1