Call Number (LC) Title Results
1977-04-12 Memorandum of June 29, 1977 Comprehensive review of human services programs. 1
1977-04-13 Memorandum of June 29, 1977 Comprehensive review of local development programs. 1
1977-04-14 Memorandum of July 20, 1977 Determination under Section 103(d)(3) of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended (Public law 480), Morocco. 1
1977-04-15 Memorandum of July 21, 1977 Determination under Section 620(x) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, to permit the sale of certain specified defense articles and services to the Government of Turkey. 1
1977-04-16 Memorandum of Aug. 1, 1977 Eligibility of Egypt for the purchase of defense articles and defense services under the Arms Export Control Act, as amended. 1
1977-04-17 Memorandum of Aug. 2, 1977 Comprehensive review of natural resources and environmental programs. 1
1977-04-18 Memorandum of Aug. 5, 1977 Occupational safety and health. 1
1977-04-19 Memorandum of Aug. 11, 1977 Determination under Section 103(d)(3) of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended (Public Law 480), Portugal. 1
1977-04-20 Memorandum of Aug. 12, 1977 Waiver of the limitation on the aggregate of military assistance granted under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, and of credits extended and loans guaranteed under the Arms Export Control Act for African countries in FY77. 1
1977-04-21 Memorandum of Aug. 25, 1977 Review of the economic analysis and policy machinery in the Federal Government. 1
1977-04-22 Memorandum of Aug. 25, 1977 Reorganization study of Federal preparedness and responses to disasters. 1
1977-04-23 Memorandum of Aug. 25, 1977 Comprehensive review of Federal food and nutrition policy. 1
1977-04-24 Memorandum of Aug. 25, 1977 Study of Federal justice system improvement activities. 1
1977-04-25 Memorandum of Aug. 25, 1977 Examination of the Federal Government's legal representation system. 1
1977-04-26 Memorandum of Sept. 1, 1977 Eligibility of Chad to make purchases of defense articles and defense services under the Arms Export Control Act, as amended. 1
1977-04-27 Memorandum of Sept. 15, 1977 Designation of senior intergovernmental officials in Federal agencies. 1
1977-04-28 Memorandum of Sept. 20, 1977 Decision on cast-iron stoves under Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974. 1
1977-04-29 Memorandum of Nov. 5, 1977 Determination under Section 620(x) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, to permit the sale of certain specified defense articles to the Government of Turkey. 1
1977-04-30 Memorandum of Nov. 14, 1977 Federal cash management. 1
1977-04-31 Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1977 Executive Office of the President. 1