Call Number (LC) Title Results
1976-21-13 Statement on evacuation of American citizens from Lebanon 1
1976-21-14 Memorandum establishing the President's Committee on Urban Development and Neighborhood Revitalization 1
1976-21-15 Statement announcing intention to convene the White House Conference on Library and Information Services 1
1976-21-16 Remarks upon presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Martha Graham 1
1976-21-17 Memorandum to Federal Aviation Administrator McLucas on noise standards for commercial aircraft 1
1976-21-18 Memorandum establishing a Federal Energy Management Program 1
1976-21-19 Statement on actions to provide emergency livestock feed assistance in the Midwest 1
1976-21-20 Statement announcing Federal recognition of "Expo '81" as a world's fair 1
1976-21-21 Statement on establishment of the International Fund for Agricultural Development 1
1976-29-1 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Double taxation; taxes on income, June 20, 1973. 1
1976-29-2 Multilateral Protection of world cultural and natural heritage, Nov. 23, 1972. 1
1976-29-3 Multilateral International Wheat Agreement, 1971; modification and extension of wheat trade convention and food aid convention, Mar. 25-Apr. 14, 1975. 1
1976-29-4 Romania Double taxation; taxes on income, Dec. 4, 1973. 1
1976-29-5 Multilateral Universal Postal Union; second additional protocol to the constitution, general regulations, final protocol and annex, convention, final protocol and detailed regulations, July 5, 1974. 1
1976-29-6 Australia Extradition, May 14, 1974. 1
1976-29-7 Canada Extradition, Dec. 3, 1971. 1
1976-29-8 Multilateral International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Aug. 13, 1970. 1
1976-29-9 Brazil Fisheries; shrimp, Mar. 14, 1975. 1
1976-29-10 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Limitation of anti-ballistic missile systems, May 26, 1972. 1
1976-29-11 Multilateral International coffee agreement, Sept. 26, 1974. 1