Call Number (LC) Title Results
1982-PR-4897 National Day of Prayer [1982] 1
1982-PR-4898 National Patriotism Week, 1982 1
1982-PR-4899 Red Cross Month, 1982 1
1982-PR-4900 Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of George Washington 1
1982-PR-4901 Extension of temporary quantative limitation on the importation into the U.S. of certain clothespins 1
1982-PR-4902 Save Your Vision Week, 1982 1
1982-PR-4903 Women's History Week, 1982 1
1982-PR-4904 Termination of increased rates of duty on certain mushrooms and technical corrections in the Tariff Schedules of U.S. 1
1982-PR-4905 National Construction Industry Week, 1982 1
1982-PR-4906 Louisiana World Exposition of 1984 1
1982-PR-4907 Imports of petroleum 1
1982-PR-4908 Afghanistan Day [1982] 1
1982-PR-4909 National Energy Education Day, 1982 1
1982-PR-4910 National Agriculture Day, 1982 1
1982-PR-4911 Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1982 1
1982-PR-4912 Loyalty Day, 1982 1
1982-PR-4913 National Recognition Day for Nurses, 1982 1
1982-PR-4914 Zoo and Aquarium Month, 1982 1
1982-PR-4915 National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1982 1
1982-PR-4916 National Maritime Day, 1982 1