Call Number (LC) Title Results
1986-PR-5578 National Family Caregivers Week, 1986 1
1986-PR-5579 National Farm-City Week, 1986 1
1986-PR-5580 National Aplastic Anemia Awareness Week, 1986 1
1986-PR-5581 National Epidermolysis Bullosa Awareness Week, 1986 1
1986-PR-5582 National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 1986 1
1986-PR-5583 National SEEK and College Discovery Day, 1986 1
1986-PR-5584 Year of the Reader, 1987 1
1986-PR-5585 Walt Disney Recognition Day, 1986 1
1986-PR-5586 National Alopecia Areata Awareness Week, 1986 1
1986-PR-5587 Made in America Month, 1986 1
1986-PR-5588 Wright Brothers Day, 1986 1
1986-PR-5589 Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 1986 1
1986-PR-5590 United Way Centennial, 1887-1987 1
1986-PR-5591 National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week, 1986 1
1986-PR-5592 National Burn Awareness Week, 1987 1
1986-PR-5593 National Year of the Teacher National Teacher Appreciation Day 1
1986-PR-5594 National Day of Prayer, 1987 1
1986-PR-5595 Imposition of Temporary Surcharge on Imports of Certain Softwood Lumber Products From Canada 1
1986 R63 Sonata in D major, opus 6, number 6, for violin and continuo by Pietro Locatelli, transcribed for cello and harpsichord by Richard L. Rognstad / 1
1986 R632 The use of the vernacular in Virgil Thomson's Cello concerto / 1