Call Number (LC) Title Results
1996-03-7193 Washington; withdrawing public lands and reserved minerals for the protection of Yakima Firing Center Expansion 1
1996-03-7194 California; revoking in part Secretarial Order dated Oct. 19, 1920 1
1996-03-7195 Colorado; withdrawing National forest system Land for the Hoosier Ridge Research Natural Area 1
1996-03-7196 California; revoking in part Secretarial Orders dated Oct. 11, 1902, and Apr. 22, 1922 1
1996-03-7197 Arizona; withdrawing public lands for the Waterman Mountains Area of Critical Environmental Concern 1
1996-03-7198 Washington; withdrawing National Forest System Lands to protect the White Pass Ski Area 1
1996-03-7199 California; revoking Secretarial Order dated Jun. 6, 1922; and revoking in part EO dated Dec. 31, 1912 1
1996-03-7200 California; revoking EO dated Apr. 13, 1912 1
1996-03-7201 New Mexico; transfer of jurisdiction 1
1996-03-7202 Florida; revoking in part EO dated Oct. 22, 1854, and EO No. 4254 of June 12, 1925 1
1996-03-7203 Idaho; revoking in part Geological Survey Order dated Oct. 17, 1951 1
1996-03-7204 Washington; revoking in part Secretarial Order dated Feb. 20, 1934 1
1996-03-7205 California; revoking in part Secretarial Order dated July 9, 1927 1
1996-03-7206 North Dakota; withdrawing public lands for the Waterfowl Production Areas 1
1996-03-7207 Montana; revoking Bureau Order dated Mar. 25, 1957 1
1996-03-7208 Montana; withdrawing National Forest System land for the Snowbird Mine 1
1996-03-7209 Washington; withdrawing public lands for Cape Johnson 1
1996-03-7210 New Mexico; withdrawing public lands for the Racecourse and Agua Caliente Areas of Critical Environmental Concern 1
1996-03-7211 Montana; jurisdictional transfer of public lands 1
1996-03-7212 Arizona; withdrawing public lands for the Gila River Cultural Area of Critical Environmental Concern 1