Call Number (LC) Title Results
1999-57-067 H.R. 2 - The Students Results Act of 1999 1
1999-57-068 H.R. 202 - Preserving Affordable Housing for Senior Citizens and Families into the 21st Century Act 1
1999-57-069 H.R. 208 - To Allow for the Contribution of Certain Rollover Distributions to Accounts in the Thrift Savings Plan, to Eliminate Certain Waiting-Period Requirements for Participating in the Thrift Savings Plan 1
1999-57-070 H.R. 2084 - Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-071 H.R. 2084 - Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-072 H.R. 209 - Technology Transfer Commercialization Act 1
1999-57-073 H.R. 2112 - Multidistrict, Multiparty, Multiforum Trial Jurisdiction Act of 1999 1
1999-57-074 H.R. 2116 - Veterans' Millennium Health Care Act 1
1999-57-075 H.R. 1501 - Consequences for Juvenile Offenders Act of 1999; H.R. 2122 - Mandatory Gun Show Background Check Act of 1999 1
1999-57-076 H.R. 221 - Amending the Fair Labor Standards Act to Permit Certain Youth to Perform Certain Work with Wood Products 1
1999-57-077 H.R. 2280 - Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 1999 1
1999-57-078 H.R. 2300 - Academic Achievement for All Act ("Straight A's Act") 1
1999-57-079 H.R. 2300 - Academic Achievement for All Act ("Straight A's Act") 1
1999-57-080 H.R. 2389 - County Schools Funding Revitalization Act 1
1999-57-081 H.R. 2415 - State Department Authorization Bill 1
1999-57-082 H.R. 2436 - Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 1999 1
1999-57-083 H.R. 2436 - Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 1999 1
1999-57-084 H.R. 2465 - Military Construction Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-085 H.R. 2465 - Military Construction Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-086 H.R. 2466 - Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1