Call Number (LC) Title Results
1999-57-098 H.R. 2587 - District of Columbia Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-099 H.R. 2605 - Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-100 H.R. 2605 - Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-101 H.R. 2606 - Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriation Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-102 H.R. 2670 - Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-103 H.R. 2670 - Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-104 H.R. 2679 - Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1999 1
1999-57-105 H.R. 2679 - Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1999 1
1999-57-106 H.R. 2684 - Department of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-107 H.R. 2684 - Department of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-108 H.R. 2723 - Bipartisan Consensus Managed Care Improvement Act of 1999 1
1999-57-109 H.R. 2818 - Mosquito Creek Lake Drilling Prohibition Act 1
1999-57-110 H.R. 2841 - To Amend the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands to Provide for Greater Fiscal Autonomy 1
1999-57-111 H.R. 2885 - Statistical Efficiency Act 1
1999-57-112 H.R. 2910 - National Transportation Safety Board Amendments Act of 1999 1
1999-57-113 H.R. 2942 - Family Farmer Bankruptcy Act Extension 1
1999-57-114 H.R. 2990 - Quality Care for the Uninsured Act 1
1999-57-115 H.R. 3064 - District of Columbia Appropriations Bill, FY2000 1
1999-57-116 H.R. 3073 - Fathers Count Act of 1999 1
1999-57-117 H.R. 350 - Mandates Information Act of 1999 1