Call Number (LC) Title Results
2-D63 9:R24-919 A record of the activities of the Arizona state Council of defense from formation April 18, 1917, to dissolution June, 1919. 1
2-Ec7.4 7: Arizona directory of manufacturers. 1
2-Ed8 1: Annual report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to the Governor of Arizona. 1
2-Ed8 4: Arizona educational directory. 1
2-Ed8 11: Governing boards of higher institutions : county, city, town, rural superintendents and high school principals in the state of Arizona. 1
2-Em1 4:L44 Laws governing the business of embalmers and funeral directors; rules and regulations and code of ethics adopted by the board. 1
2-Em7.4E 5/2: Manpower Services to Arizona Indians. 1
2-Em 7.4 1: Employment Security Commission of Arizona Annual Report. 1
2-G14 4: Arizona big game investigations / 1
2-G14 6:1939 Arizona game refuge map, 1939 / 1
2-G14 12: Wildlife views. 1
2-G14 13:9 1983 Mountain lion field guide / 1
2-G14 13:14 Black bear habitat requirements in central Arizona : a final report / 1
2-G14 13:16 Black bear field guide : a manager's manual / 1
2-G14N 3:125 1998 Monitoring and habitat surveys of the endangered Kanab ambersnail in Grand Canyon and northern Arizona / 1
2-G14R 4a:4/23 Pronghorn habitat description and evaluation : a problem analysis report / 1
2-G14R 4a:W-78-R15 Wp2 Job 2 Mearns' quail capture method : a final report / 1
2-G14R 6:2 2000 Interactions among trout and Little Colorado spinedace, Lepidomeda vittata / 1
2-G14R 6:3 2000 Life history and ecology of the roundtail chub, Gila robusta, from two streams in the Verde River Basin / 1
2-G14W 4a:2-1 Arizona game survey and harvest data summary. 1