2016 C781
Complete symphonies / |
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2016 D68
Editing and arranging project / |
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2016 D681
A selection of major contributions to choral music from the Ars Nova to the present / |
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2016 D682
The use of silence as a musical expression of grief in David's lament over Absalom / |
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2016 D683
The achievability of just intonation in a choral setting / |
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2016 D81
Mythavian |
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2016 E35
Teaching the violin with purpose : strategies designed to foster musical, cognitive, and social development in low-income students / |
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2016 E54
Choral and voice pedagogy methods for the senior choral ensemble / |
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Revocation of Executive Orders 13574, 13590, 13622, and 13645 With Respect to Iran, Amendment of Executive Order 13628 With Respect to Iran, and Provision of Implementation Authorities for Aspects of Certain Statutory Sanctions Outside the Scope of U.S. Commitments Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action of July 14, 2015. |
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Establishing a Federal Earthquake Risk Management Standard. |
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Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity. |
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Establishment of the Federal Privacy Council. |
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Delegation of Certain Authorities and Assignment of Certain Functions Under the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015. |
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Developing an Integrated Global Engagement Center to Support Government-wide Counterterrorism Communications Activities Directed Abroad and Revoking Executive Order 13584. |
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Blocking Property of the Government of North Korea and the Workers' Party of Korea, and Prohibiting Certain Transactions with Respect to North Korea. |
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Establishing the Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal. |
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Amending Executive Order 12137. |
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Steps to Increase Competition and Better Inform Consumers and Workers to Support Continued Growth of the American Economy. |
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Blocking Property and Suspending Entry Into the United States of Persons Contributing to the Situation in Libya. |
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2016 F79
So, you want to play in a quintet? : suggestions for beginning brass and woodwind quintets / |
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