Call Number (LC) Title Results
209 C765r Religions of the Empire : a Conference on some living religions within the Empire, held at the Imperial institute, London, September 22nd to October 3rd, 1924, under the auspices of the School of oriental studies (University of London) and the Sociological society / 1
209 D566 Mutter erde : ein versuch über volksreligion / 1
209 D947i Introduction à l'histoire des religions. 1
209 G119 Christianity or religion? : A study of the origin and growth of religion and the supernaturalism of Christianity / 1
209 G518 Progress in religion to the Christian era / 1
209 G73 The origin and development of religious belief / 1
209 G87 The religions of Japan : from the dawn of history to the era of Méiji / 1
209 K95 National religions and universal religions. : Lectures delivered at Oxford and in London, in April and May, 1882 / 1
209 M174 The rise of modern religious ideas / 1
209 M33 The threshold of religion / 1
209 M33a The threshold of religion / 1
209 M821 History of religions / 1
209 R274o Orpheus : histoire générale des religions. 1
209 R32s Prolegomena of the history of religions / 1
209 R32W Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the native religions of Mexico and Peru. : Delivered at Oxford and London, in April and May, 1884 / 1
209 R54 Pagan Christs : studies in comparative hierology / 1
209 Sa1 Religions of authority and the religion of the spirit / 1
209 Sm3 Lehrbuch der alttestamentlichen Religionsgeschichte / 1
209 T66 Rays of light from all lands : the bibles and beliefs of mankind. Scriptures, faiths and systems of every age, race and nation, a complete story of all churches and communions; notable utterances by foremost representatives of all faiths / 1
209 T668 Introduction to the history of religions. 1