Call Number (LC) Title Results
236.1 AL2 A study of death / 1
236.8 St29i The idea of the resurrection in the ante-Nicene period / 1
236.8 St29i2 The idea of the resurrection in the ante-Nicene period. 1
236.8 W61 Beyond the shadow; or, The resurrection of life / 1
237 B413 If a man die / 1
237 H212 The heavenly recognition, or, An earnest and scriptural discussion of the question, Will we know our friends in heaven? / 1
237 L57 The belief in God and immortality : a psychological, anthropological and statistical study / 1
237 Sh2a The teaching of Jesus about the future according to the synoptic gospels / 1
237 Sm97g The gospel of the hereafter / 1
237 T377 The proofs of life after death : a twentieth century symposium; an assembly and collation of letters and expressions from eminent scientists and thinkers of the world, giving the strongest and best reasons known to the world today, as substantial evidence of the continued existence of the soul after death / 1
237 W349w The world to come / 1
237.1 C123c The concept of eternity ... / 1
237.2 B15 And the life everlasting / 1
237.2 D56i Is immortality desirable? / 1
237.2 EL59 What's next, or, Shall a man live again? / 1
237.2 F786a The assurance of immortality / 1
237.2 G289 The life indeed : a review, in terms of common thinking, of the Scripture history issuing in immortality / 1
237.2 In1 In after days; thoughts on the future life. 1
237.2 M551e Either is good / 1
237.2 M928e The eternal life. 1