262.13 G748p
Papauté et chrétienté sous Benoit XV ... / |
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262.13 G938pc
The papacy : its historic origin and primitive relations with the Eastern churches / |
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262.13 H153n
Nikolaus I. und Pseudoisidor. |
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262.13 H153p
Das Papsttum : Idee und Wirklichkeit. |
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262.13 J632
The papacy and the kingdom of Italy / |
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262.13 K93
The papacy, the idea and its exponents / |
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262.13 L135
La naissance de l'esprit laïque au déclin du moyen âge. |
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262.13 M575
Staatstheorien Papst Innocenz' III. / |
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262.13 N75
Das Papsttum und Byzanz : die Trennung der beiden Mächte und das Problem ihrer Wiedervereinigung bis zum Untergange des Byzantinischen Reichs (1453) / |
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262.13 Ot8r
Regulae Cancellariae apostolicae. : Die päpstlichen Kanzleiregeln von Johannes XXII. bis Nicolaus V. / |
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262.13 P257
The pope and Italy / |
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262.13 R599
La cour de Rome et l'esprit de réforme avant Luther / |
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262.13 Sch5
Papstgeschichte der neuesten Zeit. |
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262.13 T229p
Pope Pius xi and world affairs / |
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262.13 W734r
Russland und die slawischen Völker in der Diplomatie des Vatikans, 1878-1903. |
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262.135 G985w
Die Wahlanzeigen der Päpste bis zum Ende der avignonesischen Zeit / |
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262.135 P666t
The triple crown : an account of the papal conclaves from the fifteenth century to the present day / |
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262.17 Sy440
Old priest and new presbyter : [episcopacy and Presbyterianism since the Reformation with especial relation to the Churches of England and Scotland; being the Gunning lectures delivered in the University of Edinburgh 1953-54 and the Edward Cadbury lectures in the University of Birmingham, 1954-55] |
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262.3 L98
The office of an English bishop in the first half of the fourteenth century. |
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262.9 K872
The interdict, its history and its operation : with especial attention to the time of Pope Innocent III, 1198-1216 / |
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