Call Number (LC) Title Results
282 N554 The history of the papacy in the XIXth century / 1
282 N62f Le finanze pontificie nel medioevo ... / 1
282 P25 Geschichte der Päpste seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters. : Mit Benutzung des Päpstlichen Geheimarchives und vieler anderer Archive / 1
282 R16F The history of the popes : their church and state, and especially of their conflicts with Protestantism in the sixteenth & seventeenth centuries / 1
282 R16K History of the popes : their church and state, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / 1
282 R667g Gratia Christi : essai d'histoire du dogme et de théologie dogmatique. 1
282 Sa1 Modernism : the Jowett lectures, 1908 / 1
282 Se62p Papstgeschichte von den Anfängen bis zur französischen Revolution / 1
282 Sh82s The see of Peter / 1
282 St24s Spiritual pepper and salt for Catholics and non-Catholics / 1
282 St45p Papst Pius IX. und seine zeit / 1
282 St6 Rebuilding a lost faith / 1
282 SU54 The visible church, her government, ceremonies, sacramentals, festivals and devotions : a compendium of "The externals of the Catholic church" : a textbook for Catholic schools / 1
282 V537k Die kirche im zeitalter des individualismus : 1648 bis zur gegenwart / 1
282 W168 The popes and science : the history of papal relations to science during the middle ages down to our own time / 1
282 W342g Geschichte des Römischen Papstthums / 1
282 W674c The Catholic church in action / 1
282.02 Eu17h Hierarchia catholica medii et recentioris aevi : sive Summorum pontificum, S. R. E. cardinalium ecclesiarum antistitum series : e documentis tabularii praesertim Vaticani collecta, digesta, edita. 1
282.03 Ad24c A Catholic dictionary : containing some account of the doctrine, discipline, rites, ceremonies, councils, and religious orders of the Catholic church / 1
282.05 C281 The Catholic historical review. 1