Call Number (LC) Title Results
285.4 Un3 The subordinate standards of the United Presbyterian Church of North America / 1
285.8 B285 A Congregational manual : theory and practice, for the use of ministers, churches and deliberative assemblies governed by Congregational usage / 1
285.8 C76p Volume of proceedings of the ... International Congregational Council. 1
285.8 D52 The Congregationalism of the last three hundred years, as seen in its literature : with special reference to certain recondite, neglected, or disputed passages. In twelve lectures, delivered on the Southworth foundation in the Theological seminary at Andover, Mass., 1876-1879. With a bibliographical appendix / 1
285.8 D922c Congregationalists in America : a popular history of their origin, belief, polity, growth and work / 1
285.8 G88 Sixty years with Plymouth church / 1
285.8 N21 Minutes of the National Council of the Congregational Churches of the United States of America at the ... session. 1
285.8 Se4 Congregationalism / 1
285.8 Y32 The Yearbook of the Congregational Christian churches of the United States of America. 1
285.9 C36 Notable women of the Puritan times / 1
285.9 G798p Puritanism and liberty : being the Army debates (1647-9) from the Clarke manuscripts with supplementary documents / 1
285.9 H153r The rise of Puritanism, or, The way to the New Jerusalem as set forth in pulpit and press from Thomas Cartwright to John Lilburne and John Milton, 1570-1643 / 1
285.9 M36 A history of the English Puritans / 1
285.9 M617n The New England mind : the seventeenth century / 1
285.9 P73r Restoration puritanism : a study of the growth of English liberty / 1
285.9 Sch5 The Puritan mind. 1
286 Al56 Baptist councils in America. : A historical study of their origin and the principles of their development. 1
286 Am3 A manual of the Northern Baptist convention : prepared by request of the Executive committee, to commemorate the completion of ten years of service to the kingdom of God, 1908-1918. 1
286 B262 Pioneers of light : the first century of the American Baptist Publication Society, 1824-1924 / 1
286 B813p The political activities of the Baptists and Fifth monarchy men in England during the Interregnum / 1