Call Number (LC) Title Results
296 F68j Josephus and the Jews : the religion and history of the Jews as explained by Flavius Josephus / 1
296 F74 For the honor of the nation : patriotism of the American Jew hailed by Christian historians / 1
296 F774m A measure of freedom, an Anti-Defamation League report. 1
296 F829o The origin and growth of the Hebrew religion / 1
296 F831j The Jews, Jesus and Christ. 1
296 F876s The small sanctuary : Judaism in the prayerbook / 1
296 F914a American policy toward Palestine / 1
296 G333 Some of my best friends are Jews / 1
296 G335 Get thee a teacher : dedicated to the memory of Israel Friedlander. 1
296 G56 A rabbi takes stock / 1
296 G578a American Jewry comes of age : tercentenary addresses. 1
296 G669g Golus, Zion und Romantik / 1
296 G714 Zionism / 1
296 G829j The Jews in Russia / 1
296 G862gH The ghetto and the Jews of Rome / 1
296 G921d Destination Palestine : the story of the Haganah ship Exodus 1947 / 1
296 G943j The Jewish world in the time of Jesus / 1
296 H21 The spirit of the ghetto : studies of the Jewish quarter in New York. 1
296 H212h His struggle (an answer to Hitler) / 1
296 H355g A guide for the bedevilled / 1