Call Number (LC) Title Results
301-Ae8 4: Reports and memoranda /
Structures of minimum weight /
Electronics applied to the measurement of physical quantities /
Wind-tunnel flutter tests on a model delta wing under fixed and free root conditions /
An approximation simplifying wing flutter calculations /
301-Ae8 4:1844 Flight tests on wing sections using the parasol monoplane / 1
301-Ae8 4:1849 A graphical method of calculating the performance of an airscrew. 1
301-Ae8 4:1861 The effect of ground interference on the trim of a low wing monoplane / 1
301-Ae8 4:1865 Wind tunnel corrections on ground effect / 1
301-Ae8 4:1866 The use of a freely rotating windmill to improve the flow in a wind tunnel / 1
301-Ae8 4:1867 The effect of a gauze on the velocity distribution in a uniform duct / 1
301-Ae8 4:1872 On the power input required to maintain forced oscillations of an aeroplane wing in flight / 1
301-Ae8 4:1902 Steady two-dimensional flow past a solid cylinder in a non-uniform stream, and, Two-dimensional wind-tunnel interference / 1
301-Ae8 4:1904 The representation of aircraft wings, tails, and fuselages by semi-rigid structure in dynamic and static problems / 1
301-Ae8 4:1905 A simple method of constructing stability diagrams / 1
301-Ae8 4:1906 A philosophy of aeroplane strength factors / 1
301-Ae8 4:1907 The renewal of aircraft / 1
301-Ae8 4:1908 On the stressing of polygonal tubes with particular reference to the torsion of tapered tubes of trapezoidal section / 1
301-Ae8 4:1910 The calculation of aerodynamic loading on surfaces of any shape / 1
301-Ae8 4:1911 Wood stringer sandwich construction. 1
301-Ae8 4:1912 Wind tunnel interference effect on the values of experimentally determined derivative coefficients for oscillating aerofoils / 1
301-Ae8 4:1914 A method for the rapid evaluation of Glauert's expressions for the angle of zero lift and the moment at zero lift / 1
301-Ae8 4:1915 The response of an aeroplane to the application of ailerons and rudders. 1
301-Ae8 4:1916 Rational stressing cases for symmetric flight / 1