Call Number (LC) Title Results
334.7 B467v Voluntary action : a report on methods of social advance. 1
335 4:1949 Constitution of the Hungarian People's Republic. 1
335 B33e The ethics of socialism : being further essays in modern socialist criticism, etc. / 1
335 B434 The larger socialism / 1
335 B458 Evolutionary socialism : a criticism and affirmation / 1
335 B619 A handbook of socialism : a statement of socialism in its various aspects, and a history of socialism in all countries ... / 1
335 B661 The limits of socialism / 1
335 B739 Socialism vs. civilization / 1
335 B79a The social unrest : studies in labor and socialist movements / 1
335-B88 9:v86 R. Vogeler, E. Sanders and their accomplices before the Criminal Court. 1
335 C356s Socialism in America ... / 1
335 C67s Socialism in evolution / 1
335 C674h A history of socialist thought. 1
335 C871mM Historical materialism and the economics of Karl Marx / 1
335 C884 The essentials of socialism / 1
335 D354S Writings and speeches of Eugene V. Debs / 1
335 D560e Economics of socialism / 1
335 D595u The united front : the struggle against fascism and war / 1
335 D78i Les intellectuels français et le bolchévisme. : La Ligue des droits de l'homme; le néo-marxisme universitaire; quelques grands intellectuels: André Gide--Romain Rolland, et certains autres. 1
335 D7801s Les socialismes français et allemand et le problème de la guerre, 1870-1914. 1