Call Number (LC) Title Results
341.6 M715fH Human folly: to disarm or perish? / 1
341.6 M83 The outlawry of war : a constructive policy for world peace / 1
341.6 N42 The New Commonwealth. 1
341.6 P317 The American diplomatic game / 1
341.6 P384o Official report of the proceedings of the Pennsylvania arbitration and peace conference, held in Philadelphia, May 16, 17, 18, and 19, 1908. 1
341.6 P94 The problem of disarmament : English supplement of the "Zeitschrift für politik" / 1
341.6 R139 International arbitration, from Athens to Locarno / 1
341.6 Sh82 War as an instrument of national policy and its renunciation in the Pact of Paris / 1
341.6 St7 Intervention in international law / 1
341.6 Sch56f Frankreich sabotiert die abrüstung / 1
341.6 Sco84 The project relative to a court of arbitral justice, draft convention and report adopted by the second Hague peace conference of 1907 / 1
341.6 Sco84i An international court of justice : letter and memorandum of January 12, 1914, to the Netherland minister of foreign affairs, in behalf of the establishment of an international court of justice / 1
341.6 Sco84s The status of the International Court of Justice : with an appendix of addresses and official documents / 1
341.6 T187d The disarmament illusion : the movement for a limitation of armaments to 1907 / 1
341.6 V49i An inquiry into the nature of peace and the terms of its perpetuation / 1
341.6 W893 Arbitration and the United States : a summary of the development of pacific settlement of international disputes with special reference to American policy. 1
341.61 B78 The bloody traffic / 1
341.61 B86 The Washington conference / 1
341.61 D92 The Du Pont Company and munitions. 1
341.61 En31 "One hell of a business," / 1