Call Number (LC) Title Results
342.38 C128 Athenian clubs in politics and litigation / 1
342.38 F841 La polis grecque. : Recherches sur la formation et l'organisation des cités, des ligues et des confédérations dans la Grèce ancienne / 1
342.38 F877p The paths of justice. 1
342.38 F955a The ancestral constitution : four studies in Athenian party politics at the end of the fifth century B.C. 1
342.38 G37 Constitutional antiquities of Sparta and Athens / 1
342.38 G839h A handbook of Greek constitutional history / 1
342.38 H15 The growth of the city state : lectures on Greek and Roman history. First series / 1
342.38 H18 The political institutions of the ancient Greeks. 1
342.38 M47 Das attische Recht und Rechtsverfahren mit Benutzung des Attischen Processes / 1
342.38 W151 A primer of Greek constitutional history / 1
342.38 W571p Political parties in Athens during the Peloponnesian war. / 1
342.4 B855g The governments of foreign powers / 1
342.4 B861d2 Democratic governments in Europe / 1
342.4 B861d3 Democratic governments in Europe / 1
342.4 B861n New governments in Europe : the trend toward dictatorship / 1
342.4 G76 New governments of Central Europe / 1
342.4 H343 The new democratic constitutions of Europe : a comparative study of post-war European constitutions with special reference to Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Finland, the kingdom of the Serbs, Croats & Slovenes & the Baltic states. 1
342.4 L114s Source book in European governments / 1
342.4 M12 The new constitutions of Europe / 1
342.4 M451d Democracy in Europe: a history / 1