349.37 Ih7
Geist des römischen rechts auf den verschiedenen stufen seiner entwicklung / |
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349.37 J769r
Römisches Recht : Römisches Privatrecht, auf Grund des Werkes von Paul Jörs, neu bearb. von Wolfgang Kunkel. Abriss des römischen Zivilprozessrechts, von Leopold Wenger. |
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349.37 L515e
The elements of Roman law : with a translation of the Institutes of Justinian. |
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349.37 M748m
Manuel élémentaire de droit romain / |
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349.37 M818b
Outlines of Roman law : comprising its historical growth and general principles / |
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349.37 P865
Readings in Roman law and the civil law and modern codes as developments thereof : an introduction to comparative law / |
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349.37 R27
Graeco-Roman institutions, from antievolutionist points of view ... four lectures delivered before the University of Oxford. |
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349.37 R56
Selections from the public and private law of the Romans / |
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349.37 T597
The institutes of the Roman law. |
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349.37 V77
Roman law in mediaeval Europe / |
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349.372 G12A
The commentaries of Gaius and rules of Ulpian / |
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349.372 G12Ha
Gaii Institutionum iuris civilis commentarii quattuor : separatim ex 'Iurisprudentiae anteiustinianae reliquiarum' |
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349.372 G12M
The Institutes of Gaius and Rules of Ulpian : the former from studemund's apograph of the Verona codex / |
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349.372 J981M
Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum libri quattuor / |
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349.372 J981R
An introduction to the study of Justinian's Digest : containing an account of its composition and of the jurists used or referred to therein / |
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349.377 M69
Les institutions politiques des Romains : ou, exposé historique des règles de la constitution et de l'administration Romaines depuis la fondation de Rome jusqu'au règne de Justinien / |
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349.3772 L579w
West Roman vulgar law : the law of property / |
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349.38 B643
Evidence in Athenian courts / |
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349.38 B6431
The administration of justice from Homer to Aristotle / |
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349.38 G94
La propriété foncière en Grèce jusqu'à la conquête romaine / |
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