In the Senate of the United States. May 4, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Benjamin made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 276.) The Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred the Senate Bill No. 276, for the relief of Mrs. Ambroise Bron, report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 5, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Iverson submitted the following report. The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the memorial of Daniel J. Browne, report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 6, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Yulee submitted the following report. The Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, to whom was referred the memorial of John Frink, praying the remission of certain fines and deductions made from his compensation for carrying the mails under a contract with the Post Office Department, beg leave to report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 6, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Yulee submitted the following report. The Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, to whom was referred the petition of S. Van Sickell, J.R. Bellerjeau, and George C. Leidy, post route agents upon third class route from New York to Philadelphia, praying an increase of compensation, beg leave to report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 6, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Bigler submitted the following report. The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the petition of the president and stockholders of "The Florida Steam-Packet Company," beg leave to report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 10, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Iverson made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 324.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of R.W. Clarke, report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 10, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Iverson made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 325.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the memorial of Mrs. Ann P. Derrick, report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Jones made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 326.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the resolution of the legislature of Iowa, in relation to the pension of Catherine Dickerson, have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Thomson, of New Jersey, made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 328.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the memorial of John Pickell, asking a pension, beg leave to report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Polk made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 330.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the claim of Stephen R. Rowan, after mature consideration thereof, beg leave to report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Mallory made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 331.) The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of P.S. Duval & Co., of Philadelphia, having had the same under consideration, report |
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In Senate of the United States. May 11, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Seward made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 332.) The Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was referred the petition of Auton [i.e., Anton] L.C. Portman, praying compensation for his services as Dutch interpreter for Commodore M.C. Perry, while conducting his late negotiation with the authorities of Japan |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Thomson, of New Jersey, submitted the following report. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Haynes, praying to be allowed arrears of pension, have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Clay submitted the following report. The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the petition of Bowne & Curry, praying to be allowed a portion of the money paid as duties on certain coal raised from a submerged wrecked vessel have had the same under consideration, and beg leave to report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 11, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Clay submitted the following report. The Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the "memorial of Beverly Diggs, late an officer in the Revenue Service, praying relief," have had the same under consideration, and respectfully submit the following report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 12, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Wilson made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 334.) The petitioner is the surviving partner of the firm Benjamin & Thomas Laurent, British subjects, and merchants in the City of Mexico in 1847, where they were tenants in occupancy of house No. 1 Third Street of San Francisco, the property of the Convent of Purissima Conception |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 12, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Wilson made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 224.) The Committee on Military Affairs and the Militia, to whom were referred the papers in relation to the claim of Edward Ingersoll, having had the same under consideration, report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 12, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Thomson, of New Jersey, submitted the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 335.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom were referred the papers relative to the claim of Abner Merrill, for increase of pension, beg leave to report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 12, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Fessenden made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 338.) The Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the petition of Caleb Sherman, have had the same under consideration, and report |
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In the Senate of the United States. May 13, 1858. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Iverson submitted the following report. The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the memorial of Louis F. Tasistro, report |
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