Call Number (LC) Title Results
372.881 T222s Stars to-night : verses new and old for boys and girls / 1
372.881 T777 Truths in rhyme for little children. : Nearly one hundred choice moral rhymes ... / 1
372.881 W215s Songs for the little ones at home. 1
372.881 W349d Divine and moral songs for the use of children / 1
372.881 W3493l Little lays for little folk / 1
372.881 W378l The land of little people / 1
372.881 W618h The History of Whittington and his cat. 1
372.881 W639g cop. 2 Golden numbers : a book of verse for youth / 1
372.881 W697c Children's prayers / 1
372.8812 B177a Aunt Friendly's picture book : containing thirty-six pages of pictures. 1
372.8812 B285tM Toy-time / 1
372.8812 B318o Old time jingles : including the rhymes of Mother Goose / 1
372.8812 B344a Adventures of Miss Tabby Gray ... / 1
372.8812 B466f Familiar nursery jingles / 1
372.8812 B996s The Story of The little small red hen / 1
372.8812 C127r R. Caldecott's second collection of pictures and songs : containing The milkmaid, Hey diddle diddle, and Baby bunting, The fox jumps over the parson's gate, A frog he would a-wooing go, Come lasses and lads, Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross, and A farmer went trotting upon his grey mare, Mrs. Mary Blaize, The great Panjandrum himself / 1
372.8812 C85b cop. 2 The baby's own Æsop : being fables condensed in rhyme with portable morals / 1
372.8812 C85b cop. 3 The baby's own Æsop : being fables condensed in rhyme with portable morals / 1
372.8812 Ed58r Rhymes for children / 1
372.8812 El52c The children's corner / 1