378.744 N814k
Education for defense : program and principal addresses at the inauguration of Carl Stephens Ell as the second president of Northeastern University, November 19, 1940 / |
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378.744 T81e 1952
Tufts College: a centennial history, 1952. : Reprinted from the "Jumbo book of 1952," the undergraduate student yearbook of Tufts College. |
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378.745 B81EB
The history of Brown University, 1714-1914 / |
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378.745 B81EG
Early history of Brown University : including the life, times, and correspondence of President Manning. 1756-1791 / |
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378.745 B81U
Memories of Brown : traditions and recollections gathered from many sources / |
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378.745 R346M
Bibliography of publications by members of the faculty of R. I. state college and staff of the Agricultural experiment station, to June 30, 1938 / |
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378.746 Y1Ed
Sketch of the history of Yale university / |
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378.746 Y1Egt
Ten years at Yale : a series of papers on certain defects in the university world of today. |
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378.746 Y1Eo
The beginnings of Yale (1701-1726) / |
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378.746 Y1Er
Two centuries of Christian activity at Yale / |
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378.746 Y1Ew
Yale, her campus, class-rooms, and athletics / |
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378.746 Y1W
The Yale collections / by Wilmarth S. Lewis. |
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378.746 Y12D
Biographical sketches of the graduates of Yale College : with annals of the college history / |
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378.747 As78EG
ACUNY, the Associated Colleges of Upper New York : a unique response to an emergency in higher education in the State of New York. |
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378.747 As79f
Facilities for four-year college education in the State of New York. : [Report of the joint survey of 1950 / |
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378.747 B253EW
A history of Barnard College. |
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378.747 B791EC
A city college in action : struggle and achievement at Brooklyn College, 1930-1955 / |
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378.747 C72CBn
Nicholas Murray Butler, his quarter centenury : a tribute / |
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378.747 C72EC
Columbia, colossus on the Hudson / |
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378.747 C72ECr
A history of Teachers College, Columbia University / |
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