Call Number (LC) Title Results
378.788B B6443 Ferrous nitroso compounds / 1
378.788B B6444s A sociological survey of a western village : La Salle, Colorado / 1
378.788B B6445 The practice effect and comparative reliability of new type tests in high school mathematics / 1
378.788B B6446b Basic relationships in hunger and thirst drives in the rat / 1
378.788B B6447s The status of amateur wrestling in certain public high schools of Kansas / 1
378.788B B6448 The effect of objectivity of scoring upon the reliability of the essay-type examination / 1
378.788B B6449 A study of the design and materials for industrial chemical research laboratories / 1
378.788B B645 Puritan Coal Mine electrification test / 1
378.788B B6463f Flow over rounded crest weirs / 1
378.788B B648 The homogeneous grouping movement in the United States / 1
378.788B B654 A general descriptive key to the tetrabranchiate Cephalopoda, with special reference to those species of Acanthoscaphites, Desmoscaphites discoscaphites, Scaphites, and Baculites, representated [sic] in the University of Colorado collection / 1
378.788B B657 The soliloquies of Shakespeare / 1
378.788B B6571 Use of the classics in Ben Jonson's plays : Sejanus, Catiline and Volpone / 1
378.788B B658 Guidance in reasoning versus the usual method of teaching problems in arithmetic / 1
378.788B B663s The sequent occupance of Baca County, Colorado / 1
378.788B B664 A comparative study of Molière's "Amphitryon" and Kleist's "Amphitryon" / 1
378.788B B669 The composition and solubility of ammonium tungstate : a thesis / 1
378.788B B673 Physical shock, diets, and dietary deficiencies, and their relation to the susceptibility of baby chicks to avian coccidiosis / 1
378.788B B675 The reaction of certain fishes to alkaline solutions / 1
378.788B B6752a The accurate quantitative measurement of the blue dye T-1824 in serum samples for blood volume determination / 1