Call Number (LC) Title Results
378.788B F476 Preparation of mathematics teachers in Colorado high schools / 1
378.788B F492 A comparison of the reliability of the new type and the regular traditional examination / 1
378.788B F4928t Theory, design, and construction of electrical wave filters / 1
378.788B F494 Development of telegraph code instruction equipment / 1
378.788B F494a Development of telegraph code instruction equipment / 1
378.788B F494s Supervisory control of a hydro-electric power plant / 1
378.788B F4958o Optical crystallographic properties of some uracils, ureidoacrylates, and related compounds / 1
378.788B F496 Design of a power plant for the town of Craig, Colorado / 1
378.788B F4961 What contemporary American poets have said about poetry (1912-1924) / 1
378.788B F4962 Ramón Pérez de Ayala / 1
378.788B F4963 Housing problems of the six-year high school / 1
378.788B F497 Deri single phase repulsion motor / 1
378.788B F4984a The application of market research methods to the operation of conventional laundries in Boulder, Colorado / 1
378.788B F4985e Educational guidance for the high-school girl in relation to personality development / 1
378.788B F5222s Standards for state accreditation and classification of high schools in the North Central Territory / 1
378.788B F5255s A study of occupational choices as related to other factors of World War II veterans with neuro-psychiatric disorders / 1
378.788B F5333s A study of the toxicity of potassium chlorate and related compounds / 1
378.788B F5344i The influence of Olivia Clemens on Mark Twain and his writing / 1
378.788B F5395p Popular taste in the short story in American literary magazines, 1870-1874 / 1
378.788B F56 Design of a water-power development in Boulder Canon and a transmission line therefrom to the city of Boulder, Boulder County, Colorado / 1