Call Number (LC) Title Results
388-St2 4: Annuario statistico italiano. 1
388-St2 4:1956 Italia, 1956 : notizie statistiche riassuntive sulle condizioni demografiche economiche e sociali. 1
388-T64 9:K76 Do you know Italy? / 1
388.06 In8 Proceedings / 1
388.1 N21 Report[s issued for consideration in advance of the third National conference on street and highway safety] 1
388.1 N2145h Highway user series. 1
388.105 T676 Traffic review. 1
388.3 As78r Rails and roads. 1
388.3 W6931 Industrial traffic management / 1
389-Ar3 4:1 2002 La conservazione delle pitture nelle catacombe romane : acquisizioni e prospettive : atti della giornata di studio, Roma, 3 marzo 2000 / 1
389 B251 Metrological notes : embracing (1) the metrology of the past; (2) the present state of the world's legislation on the metric system. 1
389 D28 The metric system : considered with reference to its introduction into the United States; embracing the reports of the Hon. John Quincy Adams, and the lecture of Sir John Herschel / 1
389 N211 Weights and measures in the United States : arguments for and against a change. 1
390 P252 Social rule : a study of the will to power / 1
390 R269 Deutsche volksfeste und volkssitten. 1
391-B47 5: Bibliographie luxembourgeoise ... et complement des annees precedentes. 1
391-B47 6: Bibliographie zur Geschichte Luxemburgs.
Bibliographie d'histoire luxembourgeoise pour l'année ... avec compléments des annēs précédentes.
391-B47 9:G789 Gravures luxembourgeoises : catalogue des gravures, lithographies et sérigraphies luxembourgeoises conservées à la Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg. 1
391 B633mb Ed.3 Die Mode : Menschen und Moden im siebzehnten Jahrhundert ... ausgewählt und geschildert / 1
391 B633md Ed.4 Die Mode : Menschen und Moden im neunzehnten Jahrhundert, nach Bildern und Kupfern der Zeit ausgewählt / 1