Call Number (LC) Title Results
4-In2.2Fa 1: Report - FEPC. 1
4-In2.2L 5: Union labor in California / 1
4-In2.2L 8: California work injuries and illnesses. 1
4-In2.2L 8/2: Work injuries and illnesses in California. 1
4-In2.2L 10: California industrial relations reports. 1
4-In2.2L 13: Wage settlements, California union agreements. 1
4-In2.2L 16: Occupational injuries and illnesses survey, California. 1
4-In7.8 1: Annual report. 1
4-In7.8 5: List of persons, partnerships and corporations licensed as insurance brokers in California including surplus line brokers. 1
4-In7.8R 4 Study of California driving performance : a research project of the Rate Regulation Division, California Department of Insurance. 1
4:Ir8-1893 Irrigation laws and instructions to superintendents and water commissioners, Colorado / 1
4-J98 7: Information pamphlet. 1
4-J98A 4: Crime prevention review. 1
4-J98A 9:R28 Remembering forgotten victims / 1
4-J98AO 1: Report - Organized Crime Control Commission. 1
4-J98AR 1: Annual report to the legislature and Governor. 1
4-J98C 5: Delinquency and probation in California / 1
4-J98C 5/2: Crime and delinquency in California. 1
4-J98L 3: Homicide in California. 1
4-J98L 5: Crime in California / 1