Call Number (LC) Title Results
4-J98L 6: Crime and delinquency in California. 1
4-L61.6 4: News notes of California libraries. 1
4-L61.6 4/2 California library statistics and directory. 1
4-L61.6 4-3: California library directory. 1
4-L61.6 5:W84-917 California laws of interest to women and children / 1
4-L61.6 7: California state publications. 1
4-L61.6 9:F46 Fifty treasures of the California State Library / 1
4-L61.6 9:St9-920 Study outline of California history / 1
4-L61.6G 4:1 Introduction to State information sources. 1
4-L61.6L 9:Ou8 1984 California public library outlet directory : listings for main, branch, and station public libraries from library annual reports. 1
4-L61.6R 3:96-7 Bioindustry : a description of California's bioindustry and summary of the public issues affecting its development / 1
4-L61.6S 5:1 Sutro collection : bibliography of books and pamphlets on the Protestant reformation / 1
4-L61.6S 6:1 An annotated bibliography of sermons and tracts delivered in New England between 1720 and 1810. 1
4-L61.6S 6:3 Pamphlets relating to the Jews in England during the 17th and 18th centuries / 1
4-L61.6S 6:4 Two pamphlets on the history of the Jews in England (William Arnall, 1736; Francis Goldsmid, 1830) / 1
4-L61.6S 9:C76 Considerations on the great advantages which would arise from the discovery of the North West Passage, and a clear account of the most practicable method for attempting that discovery / 1
4L89-Ar7 9:M45 Mayors of Los Angeles. 1
4L89-Au2 1: Report of the Auditor of the City of Los Angeles California. 1
4L89-C59 5: Municipal officers, boards, and commissions of the city of Los Angeles. 1
4L89-Ed8 9:Y84-937 Your children and their schools : an informal report to the patrons of the Los Angeles city schools / 1