Call Number (LC) Title Results
42-N21W 7:8 Water related land use in the West Colorado hydrologic area. 1
42-R48 1: Comprehensive annual financial report for the year ended ... / 1
42-Se6 1: Annual report of the Public Service Commission of Utah to the Governor for the period. 1
42-St2 6: Utah official roster. 1
42-St2.9 1: Report of the State Bureau of Immigration, Labor and Statistics. 1
42-T21 1: Biennial report of the Utah State Tax Commission. 1
42-T22 9:P96 Public relief and welfare in Utah : a report to the Tax Study Committee / 1
42-T69 4: Annual statistical summary : Utah Department of Transportation. 1
42-Un3E 4: Statistical abstract of Utah. 1
42-W64 3:73-5 Guidelines for managing the habitat of Merriam's turkey / 1
42-W64 3:75-5 The influence of rainbow trout grazing on zooplankton in Flaming Gorge Reservoir / 1
42-W64 3:75-6 Variations in the horizontal abundance of certain plankton species in Flaming Gorge Reservoir / 1
42-W64 3:76-16 Utah ecology and life history of the Utah chub, Gila atraria, in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Utah-Wyoming / 1
42-W64 3:76-17 Benthic fauna of recently inundated areas of Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona / 1
42-W64 3:77-15 The Oak Creek mule deer herd in Utah / 1
42-W64 3:77-19 Continuing investigations of the Uinta north slope moose herd / 1
42-W64 3:78-1 Depth distribution of Lake Powell fishes / 1
42-W64 .3:78-12 Antelope bitterbrush : an important wildland shrub / 1
42-W64 3:79-14 Synoptic plan for Utah's wildlife resources / 1
42-W64 3:80-13 Pronghorn antelope in Utah : some research and observations / 1