Call Number (LC) Title Results
42-G29 5:18 Gilsonite and related hydrocarbons of the Uinta Basin, Utah / 1
42-G29 5:21 Basin and range area / 1
42-G29 14:179DM 2000 Digital geologic map of Utah 1
42-G74P 9:N38 1976 The Navajo economic-demographic model, NED : a method for forecasting and evaluating alternative Navajo economic futures. 1
42-H34 1: Biennial report. 1
42-H34E 4: Epidemiology newsletter. 1
42-H34W 9:Ut 1 Utah State strategy for salinity control in the Colorado River Basin. 1
42-H51 1: Annual report to the governor and legislature. 1
42-H53 5: Annual statistical summary. 1
42-H53R 9:T68 1960 Utah tourist study / 1
42-H79 1: Biennial report. 1
42-H79.5 1: Report. 1
42-Im6 1: Facts and figures pertaining to Utah. 1
42-In2 1: Bulletin. 1
42-In2.4 1: Biennial report. 1
42-In2E 1: Annual report. 1
42-In2U 1: Report. 1
42-In7.5 1: Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Utah. 1
42-M66 1: Report of the coal mine inspector for the state of Utah mining for the years. 1
42-N21W 7:7 Water related land use in the Uinta Hydrologic Area. 1