Call Number (LC) Title Results
451-V84 9:B87 Bulgarian roses. 1
451-V84 9:C78 Cooperative farms in Bulgaria / 1
451-V84 9:G29 Georgi Dimitrov : a short biographical sketch. 1
451-V84 9:R31 Results of 1947 plan and targets for 1948 / 1
451-V84 9:Se2 Second Fatherland Front Congress. 1
451-V84 9:T73 The trial of the fifteen Protestant pastors - spies. 1
451.7 Sch31c Il codice 490 della Biblioteca capitolare di Lucca e la scuola lucchese (Sec. VIII-IX) : Contributi allo studio della minuscola precarolina in Italia / 1
452 Documents relating to Trustees of Colorado School of Mines. 1
453 Documents relating to Trustees of University Northern Colorado. 1
453.2 M61 New English and Italian pronouncing and explanatory dictionary / 1
454 Documents relating to Consortium of State College System. 1
455 Documents relating to State Board for Community Colleges & Occupational Education. 1
455 B23 Italiensche grammatik : mit berücksichtigung de lateinischen und der romanischen schwestersprachen. 1
455-Ec7S 3: Anuarul statistic al Republicii Socialiste România. 1
455-Ec7S 18: Statistical pocket book of the Socialist Republic of Romania. 1
455-Ed8I 3: Revista de pedagogie. 1
455 G76a Italian grammar / 1
456 Documents relating to Auraria Higher Education Center Board. 1
457.N7 W62 Measurements of some achievements in arithmetic / 1
458.2 H335c Colloquial Italian. 1