Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
507 F45z n.s. no.83-84,86,88-90 1996-98 |
A phylogenetic analysis of the Asian catfish families Sisoridae, Akysidae, and Amblycipitidae, with a hypothesis on the relationships of the neotropical Aspredinidae (Teleostei, Ostariophysi) / Composition of the family Didelphidae Gray, 1821 (Didelphoidea: Marsupialia) : with a review of the morphology and behavior of the included four-eyed pouched opossums of the genus Philander Tiedemann, 1808 / A review of the genera Crunomys and Archboldomys (Rodentia: Muridae: Murinae) : with descriptions of two new species from the Philippines / A synopsis of the mammalian fauna of the Philippine Islands / A floral and faunal inventory of the Réserve spécial d'Anjanaharibe-Sud, Madagascar : with reference to elevational variation / The mammalian fauna on the islands at the northern tip of Sabah, Borneo / |
6 |
507 F45z n.s. no. 92 | Frogs of Vietnam : a report on new collections / | 1 |
507 F45z n.s. no. 93 | Dromiciops gliroides Thomas, 1894, last of the Microbiotheria (Marsupialia), with a review of the family Microbiotheriidae / | 1 |
507 F83s | A survey of McGill University Museums / | 1 |
507 In2r | Records of the Indian Museum. | 1 |
507 L896q | Quarterly - Los Angeles County Museum. | 1 |
507 L8961c | Contributions in science / | 1 |
507 M489 | Industrial fellowships ... : the system of practical coöperation between science and industry as formulated by Robery Kennedy Duncan. | 1 |
507 M582 | Memoirs of the University of Michigan Museums. | 1 |
507 M64 | Annual report of the Board of Trustees of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee. | 1 |
507 M64b | Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee. | 1 |
507 M9711 | Museum echoes. | 1 |
507 M9723h | Handbook for museum curators. | 1 |
507 M973 | Museums journal. | 1 |
507 P846 | Postilla / | 1 |
507 Sa59b |
Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural. Boletín del Museo Nacional. Boletin del Museo Nacional / Boletín del Museo Nacional de Chile / |
4 |
507 Sp84h | Historical sketch : Museum of Natural History, 1859-1909 / | 1 |
507 T137q | Quarterly journal of the Taiwan Museum. | 1 |
507.2 B467a | The art of scientific investigation. | 1 |
507.2 B937i | Institutes, foundations, and research units: digest. | 1 |