Call Number (LC) Title Results
540.6 L547u Uchenye zapiski. 1
540.6 N21 Annual survey of American chemistry. 1
540.6 R299 Répertoire de chimie appliquée / 1
540.6 Un3 Comptes-rendus / 1
540.6 Un3c The Colorado Alchemist. 1
540.7 F852 Teaching first year chemistry : notes and suggestions, with special reference to qualitative analysis as outlined in "A brief outline of qualitative analysis" / 1
540.7 P182 Aims and purposes of the Chemical foundation, incorporated : and the reasons for its organization / 1
540.7 Si39r Research history of the Department of chemistry in the University of Pittsburgh. 1
540.7 W58a Chemical calculations with explanatory notes, problems and answers : specially adapted for use in colleges and science schools / 1
540.8 C719c Chemistry seminars. 1
540.8 Os1c Collected papers from the faculty of science : Series C. 1
540.9 L121 Vorträge über die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Chemie in den letzten hundert Jahren / 1
540.9 T45a Chemical discovery and invention in the twentieth century / 1
541 H67 Einleitung in die moderne chemie : nach einer reihe von vorträgen gehalten in dem Royal College of Chemistry zu London. 1
541 N351 Theoretische Chemie vom Standpunkte der avogadroschen Regel und der Thermodynamik / 1
541 V321 Lecture demonstrations in physical chemistry / 1
541.2 An24s The structure of the atom / 1
541.2 At71 Atomic energy year book. 1
541.2 B645c La constitution de la matière / 1
541.2 C886 Ions, electrons, and ionizing radiations / 1