552 T222
British petrography : with special reference to the igneous rocks / |
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552 W67a
Manual of lithology : treating of the principles of the science with special reference to megascopic analysis. |
1 |
552.1 D178a
Igneous rocks and their origin / |
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552.1 N213c
Comments on magmatic stoping, April 27, 1935 / |
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552.33 C145i
Internal structure of granitic pegmatites / |
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552.4 H22 Ed.2
Metamorphism : a study of the transformations of rockmasses. |
1 |
552.5 M636c
Sedimentary petrography : with special reference to petrographic methods of correlation of strata, and to subsurface oil geology. |
1 |
552.5 T9181p Ed.2
Principles of sedimentation. |
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552.52 G245a
Oil-shale : an historical, technical, and economic study / |
1 |
553 J657m
Minerals for the chemical and allied industries. |
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553.1 Au737g
Geology of Australian ore deposits. : A symposium arranged by a committee of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (Inc.) / |
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553.1 B46
The deposits of the useful minerals & rocks : their origin, form, and content / |
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553.1 C82c
A treatise on ore deposits / |
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553.1 C821
Die lehre von den erlagerstätten / |
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553.1 G892t
Traité des gîtes métallifères / |
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553.1 L946r
Rock alteration as a guide to ore, East Tintic district, Utah / |
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553.1 P841a
Ore-deposits ... : being a compilation of contributions to this science from the transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers / |
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553.1 Sp9
The ore magmas : a series of essays on ore deposition / |
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553.2 G359
The geology of coal and coal-mining / |
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553.2 G3591
Coal in Great Britain : the composition, structure, and resources of the coalfields visible and concealed of Great Britain / |
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