Call Number (LC) Title Results
560.5 Se55l Senckenbergiana lethaea. 1
560.6 M58 Contributions from the Museum of Geology / 1
560.942 B159 Figures of characteristic British fossils : [Palaeozoic division] / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 1 The Midway stage / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 2 The lignitic stage ... / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 3 The lignitic stage ... / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 4 New Oligocene shells from Florida / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 5 New Miocene fossils / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 6 Pelecypoda of the St. Maurice and Claiborne stages / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 7 The Claibornian Scaphopoda, Gastropoda and dibranchiate Cephalopoda of the southern United States / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 8 New or otherwise interesting Tertiary molluscan species from the east coast of America / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 9 Recent Molluscs [sic] of the Gulf of Mexico and Pleistocene and Pliocene species from the Gulf states. 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 10 A further contribution to the paleontology of Trinidad. : (Miocene horizons) / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 11 Venezuelan Devonian fossils / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 12 Bibliography and index of North American Mesozoic Invertebrata. 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 13 Some early Tertiary rhinoceroses and hyracodonts / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 14 A foraminiferal fauna from the Guayabal formation in Mexico / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 15 Higher fossil faunas of the Upper Allegheny / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 16 An Oligocene Rudistid from Trinidad / 1
560.97 Am3 vol. 17 Contributions to the tertiary paleontology of northern Peru. 1